Brussels City 2018
Affiche “The third edition of PhotoBrussels Festival broaches the theme of the city from the spectrum of dreams and the imagination. Ten photographers have taken up the challenge. The selection of this 3rd edition is as diverse as in previous years, teeming with projects by photographers from various countries. Established artists exhibit side by side with young, emerging talents. Traditional photography mixes with photomontage and video. The real and the unreal meet…. Three projects take a specific look at Brussels. In residence during the summer of 2018, the artists Philippe Calandre and Jean-François Rauzier unveil their images and lose Brussels denizens in new utopias. The Brussels-based collective Raw7 scrutinized the city to bring out unexpected aspects. For his part, the Belgian artist Paul D’Haese creates an imaginary city from photographs taken in each of the 133 cities of Belgium. His Belgopolis is under construction! Young emerging talents such as Benjamin Baltus, L...